Leaders of China Baowu Group visited WISCO-HGlaser for investigation

On November 8, Hou Angui, assistant general manager of Baowu Group of iron and Steel Group, Hu Yuliang and along with his delegation visited Wuhan WISCO-HGlaser for investigation. Gao Bo, general manager of planning and Development Department of WISCO, song Shiwei, general manager of WISCO engineering technology group and Xia Hanming, Secretary of the Party committee accompanied the inspection. Liu Jie, general manager of WISCO-HGlaser, led the team to give a warm reception.

Hou Angui, Hu Yuliang along with his delegation visited the national laser application technology center, large laser surface treatment and re-manufacturing equipment production base of WISCO-HGlaser, and got a deep understanding of the Company's industrial layout and product technology innovation and research and development. In view of the main business of laser re-manufacturing / laser cladding, laser 3D printing, laser quenching, laser disordered texturing of rolls, laser cleaning and other equipment, as well as the application in iron and steel metallurgy, mining machinery, petroleum and petrochemical, automobile, hardware tools, military industry, machinery, ship, aerospace and other industries, the company has conducted in-depth exchanges with the management and technical experts. Hou anguui and Hu Yuliang watched the whole process of laser quenching in the flexible processing system of semiconductor laser robot, and inquired about the equipment composition and core technology principle in detail, as well as the achievements and effectiveness of the technology in the field of industrial manufacturing.

Hou Angui, Hu Yuliang and other leaders fully affirmed the surface treatment, re-manufacturing and other technologies, as well as the R&D and promotion of new products of WISCO-HGlaser, and placed great hopes. Hou Angui expressed that he strongly supported the development of Baowu Group's laser processing market explored by WISCO-HGlaser, and put forward valuable opinions on jointly cultivating and building a new type of laser processing service industry.
